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1 risultati in 0.00289 secondi / Ultima recensione rilasciata il 15/09/2020
Recensione rilasciata da   Ezewelee1 il 15/09/2020
Città incontro: Piacenza / Giorno incontro: 15/09/2020 / Durata incontro: 1 /


Cat. annuncio :
Girl (incall)

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Amused by the announcement that promises the usual daring performances, I decide to dial the number and the SIP switchboard operator answers me, unable to pronounce the street correctly, he sends me an effective sms with address, floor and extension. A big step forward in the name of efficiency, no doubt about it. The girl receives in an elegant building in the Grande Albergo Roma. Her name is Cristina and she is really a great daughter. Tall, slim, around the age of 25 with a small but harmonious breast and a trimmed pussy flavored with Neutral soap. It may seem like a criticism but it reminds me of my childhood and I felt like I was a child again, surrounded by a comfortable and familiar scent. Instead I was in the center of Rome, in a clean and elegant apartment, with this beautiful girl's legs wrapped around her head, while I was eating between her thighs. Short but intense, our session lasted exactly 30m minutes at the cost of 1VU. If I may make an observation, the BJ convertible did not end with a cim, as Cristina hastily hooded John Thomas at the last moment. Nothing to say about engagement during our session, but Cristina isn't really into social media, so don't expect big talk when the music ends.

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